Difference between Gym & Fitness Center
Gym is a Process, Journey and a way of life. You can control yourself in Gym through General Health Fitness Exercise in the midst of a world that often feels totally out of control.
Fitness Center
Fitness Center is not just for Muscle building, Cardiovascular health, stamina and flexibility. The Gym is a sanctuary of peace and fun activities from the work stress and unhealthy lifestyle. Gym activity is a ritual of discipline, hard work and daily dose of emotional well being.
Daily General Fitness
Famous research studies & our Indian Gurus taught us for daily physical exercise to live long, Breath easy, to attribute daily activities tension free.
Looking for best fitness center?
Many of us looking for a Fitness Center because of outside pollution, safety concern, lack of grounds & parks for exercise, but they don’t want hardcore body building. On the other hand, Body Building Gyms are working like Muscle factories.
Cardio workouts in Gym
Beyond certain age people looking for fitness workout like walking on Treadmill, Spin biking, stretch on Elliptical Fitness Cross-trainer(EFX) and mild weights workout for muscle strengthening.
General Fitness (Endurance exercise) is right solution for them. This type of exercise program consists of Head to Toe Warm up, Stretching, Treadmill Walking(10 Minutes maximum) EFX, Spin Biking, Light Weight Training, floor workouts, group workouts etc.
This is just a daily physical exercise program for maintaining body Endurance but not for those who want to see immediate results. They prefer to go for Personal Training.
Vfit Gym
Our members feel our Gym as Great place because of the Guidance of our Professional Trainers, Awesome atmosphere, Ensuring Safety & Discipline on Gym.
Celebrating 7th Anniversary as VFIT Fitness Brand in Coimbatore which started in 2017 by our professional management. Vfit Fitness Center is the best recognized Gym for its different approach in Fitness Services and solutions to thousands of people in Coimbatore. More than 2000 members benefited out of our Vfit Gym so that they talk about us as their best gym choice. The Vfit Fitness is one among the best professional Fitness Gyms in Coimbatore.
Vfit Fitness Center Vadavalli Branch is having
Great Infrastructure,
Awesome ambiance,
well maintained workout floors,
World class Training with Certified Trainers
World Class imported equipment’s
Friendly Atmosphere
We are committed to provide our best possible fitness solution for our Gym Members as per their Fitness Goals. Actually Vfit Fitness is not just a Gym but also a complete Fitness solution center for your fitness need. Fitness lovers like to exercise in Vfit Fitness center regularly.
Our main services are
General Fitness Exercises,
Personal Training,
Weight Loss Programs
Weight Gain Programs,
Group Fitness Workouts
Fun activities
BMI, Nutrition & Diet counselling {Complementary}
Other support services like Nutrition & Diet counselling, BMI Checking, Fitness assessment are complimentary at Vfit Fitness Center.
Fast Track programs are which are highly recommended for weight loss
- CrossFit,
- Personal Training,
- Group Fitness .
Daily Fitness is for fitness lovers who want mild workouts to energize for the day. Premium services are Personal Training program is tailor made methodology as per the goal set for ensuring result on time by the support of professional Trainers.
Personal Training
Vfit Gym & Fitness Center help the clients to achieve their fitness goal on time with our muscle & body fitness tools & techniques. 80% of our new clients are through references of our members. Our mission is to provide best possible fitness solutions for a healthy society mentally & physically with our continuous innovations in fitness. Our Goal is to spread our V- FIT Gym & Fitness Center branches & Online services across India.