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v fit The Best Fitness center in coimbatore

V fit Fitness Center is the the best gym near Vadavalli, Mullai nagar, Coimbatore. Although it is long distance even singanallur, neelambur clients are taking fitness tainings like weight loss, weight gain, body shaping from vfit gym.

Vfit Gym Address

First Floor, Chella’s Complex,

Opp. HP Petrol Bunk, Nearby Bimetal Bearing Company,

Near Herboo Chicken.

Diagonal Opposit to Apollo Medicals in Marudhamalai main road, Mullai Nagar, Pn Pudur.

368/2, Marudhamalai Main Road,

PN Pudur Mullai Nagar,

Vadavalli, Coimbatore – 641041

Effective Gym near Vadavalli

Effectively Vfit Fitness gives wonderful workouts that’s why most of our members do renewal again.

Cardio workout gym near me v fit

We have full range of Cardio workout methodology and latest imported machines for your fitness goal to address your cardio workout concern.

v fit Fitness Gym near me for Exercise for Sugar patients

You need very sensitive workout methodology for sugar patients and fortunately vfit fitness does all. Pls register in vfit fitness and our trainers will take care.

v fit Weight Loss Gym

If you are looking for wright loss gym in and around west coimbatore near pn pudur and vadavalli then sure V fit is the only choice for best weight loss.

Weight gain gym v fit

Weight gain is easily achievable in v fit gym as there are suitable imported equipments as well as trained professional train you. So vfit is your best choice

Hence V fit Gym is one among the best fitness centers in coimbatore where you will get result oriented trainings.


Calisthenics is a form of exercise that involves using your body weight as resistance to build strength, flexibility, and overall fitness. It is a type of bodyweight training that doesn’t require any additional equipment, making it accessible and convenient for many people.

Body Weight Workouts in v fit

Morning workout a routine exercise to start your day, here are some Body Weight Workouts which you can try to be active for the day and for your life..

Bodyweight workouts are popular and widely used for several reasons:


Bodyweight exercises can be performed anywhere without the need for specialized equipment or a gym. All you need is your body and some space, making them accessible to everyone, including those who may not have access to fitness facilities.


Since no equipment is required, bodyweight workouts are cost-effective. This makes them a great option for people on a budget or those who prefer not to invest in gym memberships or home gym equipment.

Convenience of full body weight 

Bodyweight exercises can be done at any time and integrated into daily routines easily. There’s no need to travel to a gym, which saves time and makes it easier to maintain a consistent exercise routine.

Full-Body Engagement

Bodyweight exercises often engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, leading to functional strength and improved coordination. These exercises mimic natural movements and can be beneficial for daily activities and sports performance.

Versatility of body weight 

There is a wide variety of bodyweight exercises available, catering to different fitness levels and goals. From basic movements like squats and push-ups to more advanced exercises like handstands and pistol squats, bodyweight workouts can be adapted to challenge individuals at various fitness levels.

Progression and Adaptability

Bodyweight exercises can be easily modified to increase or decrease the difficulty, making them suitable for beginners and experienced fitness enthusiasts alike. As individuals become stronger and more proficient, they can progress to more challenging variations.

Injury Prevention

When performed with proper form, bodyweight exercises can be low impact, reducing the risk of injury compared to some weighted exercises or high-impact activities.

Functional Fitness:

Many bodyweight exercises focus on functional movements, which are movements that mimic real-life activities and improve overall physical function and mobility.

Cardiovascular Benefits:

Bodyweight exercises, especially when performed in high-intensity intervals, can provide cardiovascular benefits and contribute to improved heart health.

Time Efficiency:

Bodyweight workouts often involve compound movements that work multiple muscle groups at once, which can lead to effective and time-efficient workouts.

Negative side of Body weight workouts

However bodyweight workouts are highly effective, it’s important to note that they may not be suitable for everyone or for achieving certain specific fitness goals. Combining bodyweight exercises with other forms of training, such as resistance training or cardiovascular exercises, can create a well-rounded fitness routine.

As with any exercise program, it’s essential to start at an appropriate level, progress gradually, and pay attention to proper form to reduce the risk of injury.

If you have any health concerns or pre-existing conditions, it’s advisable to consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider before starting a new exercise regimen.

Body Weight Workouts Types:

Nowadays we use lot of equipment and tools and techniques for scientifically proven workout methods

Warm-up: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds.

  1. Jumping Jacks
  2. Arm Circles (15 seconds forward, 15 seconds backward)
  3. Bodyweight Squats
  4. High Knees
  5. Hip Rotations (15 seconds each direction)
  6. Alternating Lunges

Morning Workouts in v fit

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Complete 3 rounds.

  1. Push-Ups: Targeting your chest, shoulders, and triceps, push-ups are a great full-body exercise.
  2. Body weight Workouts Squats: Engage your lower body and glutes with bodyweight squats, focusing on proper form.
  3. Plank: Strengthen your core with a plank. You can do a standard plank or variations like side planks or plank with shoulder taps.
  4. Mountain Climbers: Elevate your heart rate while working your core and legs with mountain climbers.
  5. Jumping Lunges: Boost your leg strength and add a cardio element with jumping lunges.
  6. Tricep Dips: Use a sturdy chair or dip bars to work on your triceps.

Cooldown Workouts in v fit

Take a few minutes for a cooldown to gradually lower your heart rate and stretch your muscles.

  1. Forward Fold:

Stand with feet hip-width apart and bend forward at the hips, reaching towards your toes.

  1. Chest Opener Stretch:

Clasp your hands behind your back and straighten your arms while lifting your chest.

  1. Quad Stretch:

Stand on one leg and grab your other foot behind you, pulling it gently towards your glutes.

  1. Child’s Pose:

Get into a kneeling position, then lower your hips back onto your heels while reaching your arms forward.

  1. Upper Body Stretch:

Stretch your triceps by reaching one arm overhead and gently pushing down on the elbow with the other hand.

Please listen to your body and modify the Body Weight Workouts as needed based on your fitness level. Stay hydrated throughout the workout, and after you’re done, enjoy a healthy breakfast to fuel your body for the day ahead.

General Fitness

Functional Training

Body Shape up

Personal Training

Fitness Workouts

Benefits of calisthenics

The benefits of calisthenics include improved strength, endurance, flexibility, and body control. It can be done anywhere without the need for expensive gym equipment. Calisthenics is also a great way to develop functional strength, which can be beneficial in everyday activities.

As with any exercise routine, it’s essential to perform calisthenics exercises with proper form to prevent injuries and maximize the benefits. If you’re new to calisthenics, consider seeking guidance from a fitness professional or using resources like video tutorials or apps to learn the proper techniques. Remember to warm up before exercising and cool down afterward, and always listen to your body, taking rest days as needed.


VFIT GYM & FITNESS CENTER VFIT GYM & FITNESS CENTER is celebrating 6th Anniversary as VFIT Fitness Brand in Coimbatore. Started our First Gym in Coimbatore in 2017 by our professional management. Vfit Gym & Fitness Center is the best recognized Gym for its different approach in Fitness Services & solution to thousands of people in Coimbatore. More than 2000 members benefited out of our Vfit Gym. They talk about us as their best gym choice. Vfit Fitness is one among the professional Gyms in Coimbatore. Vfit Gym & Fitness Center is having Great Infrastructure, Awesome ambiance, well maintained workout floors, World class Training and fine imported equipment’s. We are committed to provide best possible fitness solution and Vfit Fitness is not just a Gym but complete solution for your fitness need. Fitness lovers like to exercise in Vfit Fitness center regularly. Our main services are Fitness Exercises, Personal Training, Weight Loss & Gain Programs, Group Fitness & Fun activities, etc. Other support services like Nutrition & Diet counselling, BMI Checking, Fitness assessment are complimentary. Fast Track programs are HIIT, CrossFit, Personal Training, Group Fitness which are highly recommended for weight loss. Daily Fitness is for fitness lovers who want mild workouts to energize for the day. Premium services are Personal Training program is tailor made methodology as per the goal set for ensuring result on time by the support of professional Trainers. Vfit Gym & Fitness Center help the clients to achieve their fitness goal on time with our muscle & body fitness tools & techniques. 80% of our new clients are through references of our members. Our mission is to provide best possible fitness solutions for a healthy society mentally & physically with our continuous innovations in fitness. Our Goal is to spread our V- FIT Gym & Fitness Center branches & Online services across India.

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